Released by Sega in 1988, Altered Beast is an iconic side-scrolling beat ‘em up that transports players to a mythological world of gods, monsters, and resurrection. Designed by Makoto Uchida, the creator of Golden Axe, Altered Beast became a hallmark of Sega’s arcade dominance in the late 1980s. With its unique transformation mechanic and memorable voice samples like "Rise from your grave," the game left an indelible mark on arcade history.
Gameplay and Mechanics
Altered Beast delivers action-packed gameplay with a mythological twist, as players fight through hordes of enemies to rescue Zeus’s daughter, Athena.
Core Gameplay Features
- Side-Scrolling Combat: Players traverse levels, defeating waves of enemies using punches, kicks, and jumps.
- Transformation Mechanic: Collecting three "Spirit Balls" in a level allows the protagonist to transform into a powerful beast form. Each transformation provides unique abilities. The transformations include:
- Werewolf: Enhanced agility and fireball attacks.
- Dragon: Flight capabilities and electric breath.
- Bear: Stone-creating breath and a rolling attack.
- Tiger: Speed and homing energy balls.
- Boss Battles: Each level culminates in a fight against a monstrous boss, such as the multi-headed demon Neff.
Level Progression
- The game features five distinct levels, each with unique enemies, environments, and boss encounters.
- Players must master the transformation powers to overcome increasing challenges.
Altered Beast Full Gameplay Video
Design and Development
Makoto Uchida and his team at Sega created Altered Beast to showcase the capabilities of Sega’s System 16 arcade hardware. The team drew inspiration from Greek mythology, combining mythic storytelling with action-oriented gameplay.
Technical Innovations
- Voice Samples: The game’s memorable voice clips, such as "Power up" and "Welcome to your doom," were revolutionary for the time.
- Graphics: Vibrant sprites and detailed animations brought the mythological world to life.
- Dynamic Transformation: The seamless transitions between human and beast forms were a standout feature.
Cultural Impact
Altered Beast quickly gained popularity and became a key title for Sega, influencing future beat ‘em up games and earning a lasting legacy in the arcade gaming world.
Legacy and Influence
- Arcade Success: Altered Beast was a commercial hit, solidifying Sega’s position as a leading developer.
- Home Ports: The game was ported to multiple platforms, including the Sega Genesis, Master System, and Commodore 64, further expanding its reach.
- Pop Culture Presence: Altered Beast has been referenced in modern media and featured in retro game compilations.
Tips for Playing Altered Beast
- Timing Matters: Attack enemies carefully to avoid being overwhelmed.
- Prioritize Spirit Balls: Transforming into beast form early in a level gives a significant advantage.
- Learn Boss Patterns: Each boss has unique attack patterns; observing them is key to victory.
- Use Beast Powers Wisely: Take full advantage of your beast form’s abilities during tough sections and boss fights.
Fun Facts
- Arcade Hardware Showcase: Altered Beast was designed to highlight the capabilities of Sega’s System 16 hardware, which also powered other classics like Shinobi.
- Sega Genesis Pack-In Title: In North America, Altered Beast was initially bundled with the Sega Genesis console before being replaced by Sonic the Hedgehog.
- Memorable Catchphrases: Lines like "Rise from your grave" became iconic in gaming culture.
Altered Beast is a testament to Sega’s innovation during the golden age of arcade gaming. Its blend of mythological storytelling, dynamic transformations, and memorable gameplay mechanics ensure its place as a classic. Whether revisiting the original arcade version or exploring one of its many ports, Altered Beast offers a nostalgic journey into the world of retro gaming.
Explore More Arcade Classics
- Golden Axe – Another Sega beat ‘em up classic by Makoto Uchida.
- Double Dragon – The iconic pioneer of side-scrolling beat ‘em ups.